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不朽情缘试玩网址app下载中心 爱博彩娱乐网址 in 爱博彩娱乐网址

爱博彩娱乐网址 has fully implemented 爱博彩娱乐网址 and has published several compulsory national standards (starting with GB) and recommended national standards (starting with GB/T).

  • GB/T 16483-2008 is the general rule for preparation of the Safety Data Sheet fro chemical products (SDS), which sets the structure, content and generic forms of the SDS and was implemented on February 1st, 2009.
  • GB/T 17519-2013, as the supporting standard of GB/T 16483, was implemented on January 31, 2014, giving detailed guidance on SDS preparation.
  • GB 15258-2009, specifying the relevant preparation requirements of labels for chemicals, came into effect on May 1st, 2010.
  • GB 30000 classification standard was also implemented on November 1, 2014.

English translation of the above national standards regarding 不朽情缘试玩网址app下载中心 爱博彩娱乐网址 in 爱博彩娱乐网址 is also available in CIRS, please click here to know more information.


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