CIRS Europe Shortlisted for Two Export Industry Awards by IEA
Published: Author: Source: CIRS

We are very pleased to announce that CIRS Europe has been shortlisted for two Export Industry Awards by the Irish Exporters Association:

  • Export Innovation of the Year; and
  • Services Exporter of the Year (sponsored by Business Post).

The Irish Exporters Association is the voice of the Export Industry in Ireland. It announced that 70 entries had been shortlisted for the 2023 Export Industry Awards across ten categories.

In their press release, the IEA notes that 澳门十六浦网站ing businesses have been an essential part of Ireland's global success despite incredibly difficult international trade conditions in recent years. The Export Industry Awards allows us to celebrate those Irish businesses that continue to succeed in an increasingly uncertain world.

To find out more about the 澳门十六浦网站 and the other shortlisted companies click here.

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